When you publish your books yourself, you enjoy a great deal of freedom and creative control. You also have to do every. single. thing. yourself. Including writing the synopsis for your book. The tricky thing is, there is no way to tell you exactly how to do that since what you end up with varies from […]
Every author needs to think about branding, whether you’re a DIY Publisher, a hybrid author or traditionally published. Because no matter how you’re published, you’re going to work hard for people to discover your book. Consistent author branding makes it easier for people to find you in lots of places, makes it easier for them […]
Pseudonym, nom de plume, pen name… fifty years ago there were a number of reasons why an author might choose to use a different name. Marketabiliy or trying to sell books as a female author in a male skewing market. Genre specificity or ‘I write as this persona for sci-fi and this persona for contemporary […]
So you’ve written a spectacular book and are ready to share it with the world. Rock on! DIY Publishing is all about taking the reins of your career and not waiting for permission to share your art. Hold on for just a moment though. As tempting as it is to hit that shiny Publish button, […]
Ready to start your DIY Publishing journey? Here’s a quick overview of the steps involved in getting your book out into the world. You can also drill into any task to get more details on how and why. Write the book. I know, it’s obvious but I don’t recommend starting any of the below until after […]
I used to think there were only 2 paths to publication: “Self” Publishing and Traditional Publishing. Then I was looking for some references online for Enchanted Storms and googled “self publishing” and discovered it’s not always defined the way I meant it. Turns out, there’s actually 3 paths to publication: Traditional Publishing, “Self” Publishing and […]
So, I will admit that when I decided to record my audiobook I had no idea what I was getting myself into. And like any first book, it’s not perfect. It’s pretty cool – because I got some great actors and there are some lines and moments I still get giddy listening to. But there’s […]